WHAT IS AN EXPUNGEMENT? Before I address the above referenced DUI strategy, I will first explain what an expungement is. Technically speaking, an expungement is a procedure in which post-conviction; a person can petition the court to withdraw a guilty or no contest plea and dismiss the charge that the person had plead to. PLEAD GUILTY? “FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS GUILTY”tm Many people choose to plead guilty or no contest to a DUI based upon the understanding that in the future they can petition the court for an expungement. Many times this option is chosen because the person wants to… Read More
PREDICTABLE CONSEQUENCES Most people are aware of what I like to call “predictable consequences” of a conviction for Driving Under the Influence or a conviction for a DUI related offense. These include: jail time, fines, fees, alcohol program, community service / labor, and an Ignition Interlock Device. However, there are additional consequences that stem from the conviction. RENTING A CAR One such consequence is not being able to rent a car after being arrested or convicted for a DUI. Typically, upon arrest for a DUI the arresting officer will take the arrestee’s license into his possession and give the arrestee… Read More
INTENET RESEARCH MAY NOT BE RELIABLE There are many options available when it comes to DUI representation. Recently, DUI arrestees have begun performing their own research to become better informed about what they are facing in their DUI case. In theory, this research can assist a person in crafting his or her DUI defense strategy. There are several problems, however, with this approach. First, the information provided is only as good as its source. For instance, a person can go to a site such as YouTube and watch an attorney based in Texas give an hour long video on how… Read More
If you get a DUI while you’re on probation, it can become a serious charge because it related to violating your probation. Probation violations may result in increasing the amount of alcohol education classes you must attend, additional driver’s license suspensions, increased fines, and the possibility of jail time. A DUI, while you’re on probation, has many consequences including penalties from the DMV and the criminal courts. Probation should not be thought of as a “get out of jail free” card. It is a legal system by which the court clomid for all online lessens certain conviction penalties in return… Read More
Most states, but not all states, use a point system to track careless or dangerous drivers. Points on your driving record can be costly. It can increase your insurance premiums and after a specific number of added points, your license can be revoked or suspended. Reinstating a license can cost you hundreds of dollars in fees and fines. According to, a DUI on your California DMV driver’s record can result in 2 points on your driver’s license. If you get: 4 points in 1 year, or 6 points in 2 years, or 8 points in 3 years then the… Read More
PILOT PROGRAM On July 1, 2010, California implemented a pilot program for four counties – Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Tulare – which required that first time DUI offenders to install an IID in their car for a period of 5-months upon conviction of a DUI. Per the Pilot Program, the IID is not required for individuals whose DUI is reduced to reckless driving or other offense. The IID is required for a restricted license. The restriction allows all sober driving so long as the IID is installed and utilized while driving. Ordinarily, a restricted license allows all work related… Read More
TWO MATTERS IN DUI CASES In a typical DUI matter there are typically two different arenas that the matter can be challenged. These are the DMV and the criminal court. (It should be noted that some DMV matters are appealed to a Superior Court on a Writ. However, we will not be addressing that scenario in this blog entry.) The DMV is a civil, administrative matter that deals solely with an individual’s license to drive. The state appoints a magistrate – DMV Hearing Officer – to preside over that hearing. The Hearing Officer is not an attorney. However, the Officer… Read More
SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Here in the mostly sunny Southern California we are waiting for warm and dry weather. Although experts have repeatedly stated we are in a drought we have been recently been drenched with rain. This rainy weather no doubt has decreased the amount of DUI arrests. WARM WEATHER, MORE ARRESTS DUI arrests will likely increase once the weather starts resembling a drought, i.e., long sunny, hot days. This is because there are so many opportunities to go out and party with friends and acquaintances. Barbecues, beach parties, and outdoor lounges are all venues that provide more than enough… Read More
IT’S NOT JUST CARS When people think of DUI, they usually think of an impaired individual driving a car. However, DUI laws in California apply to vehicles other than cars. Simple examples of these other vehicles include commercial truck or motorcycles. However, DUI laws expand to include a lot of other modes of transportation as well. CREATIVE DUI PROSECUTION It can be said that DUI laws can be applied as creatively as only limited by the creativity of the impaired driver. (No need to research this phrase as I just coined it. Anyway, California focuses on whether the individual is… Read More
Can a person be arrested for a DUID, driving under the influence of drugs, when he or she has only ingested medication that is prescribed by a doctor? The answer is a resounding “yes”. When dealing with DUID based on medication, the law focuses on the nature of the medication consumed and whether is impairs a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Common drugs that people take that cause a DUID are various forms of Benzodiazepines (commonly referred to as Benzos) including Ambien, Xanax, Valium, and Ativan, just to name a few. These drugs used to treat many ailments… Read More