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How Many Points Will You Get On Your License For A DUI?

August 16, 2015

Most states, but not all states, use a point system to track careless or dangerous drivers. Points on your driving record can be costly. It can increase your insurance premiums and after a specific number of added points, your license can be revoked or suspended.

Reinstating a license can cost you hundreds of dollars in fees and fines.

According to, a DUI on your California DMV driver’s record can result in 2 points on your driver’s license.

If you get:

  • 4 points in 1 year,
  • or 6 points in 2 years,
  • or 8 points in 3 years

then the California DMV will suspend your driver’s license for a period of 6 months for having too many points.

The California “DMV” Point System

The California point system is intended to keep track of and remove the riskiest drivers on the road. The system establishes a value for various types of moving violations.

If too many points add up too fast, the DMV suspends your license. If you receive a suspension it will be illegal to drive until the DMV reinstates your license.

So how do you know you have too many points? The number of points that can cause a problem depends on the time frame. Here is the threshold over a three-year period:

  • 4 points in a year,
  • or 6 points in 2 years,
  • or 8 points in 3 years

If you hit one of these thresholds, you can lose your license. So, if you get 4 points in a year, it won’t matter how clean your driver’s license was in the past, your license will be revoked.

If the California DMV suspends your driver’s license for being a negligent driver then you are entitled to a Hearing with the DMV. The DMV might be able to help you get a restricted driver’s license for work. You want to make sure you take advantage of a DMV Hearing if you’re in this situation.

If I pay my fine, will I still get points?

Remember, if you get a traffic ticket for a moving violation, including running a red light, speeding, or any violation committed by a moving vehicle, and you decide to pay the ticket:

You will add at least one point to your DMV record, which may increase your insurance rates and may hurt you if you apply for a job that involves driving.

Also remember, 4 DMV points received in 12-months will result in the DMV sending a letter informing you that your driver’s license will be suspended for 6 months for the accumulation of too many DMV points.

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Top Gun DUI Defense Attorney Myles L. Berman

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