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Myles L. Berman DUI / Drunk Driving Case Of The Week Of 3/28/11

March 30, 2011

Our client was stopped after being observed on the freeway unable to maintain his lane weaving back and forth for about 1 mile.

Upon approaching our client’s vehicle, the officer smelled the strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. According to the officer, our client admitted to recently smoking marijuana and having marijuana in the car. Our client failed 3 field sobriety tests, had a high pulse rate, and dilated pupils. Our client was then arrested for DUI drugs (marijuana) and possession of marijuana. A urine test came back positive for Cannabinoids. After fighting the case for quite a while, the DUI and possession of marijuana charges were dismissed. No DMV action was taken against our client. (The case results posted on this page do not guarantee the success or outcome of your case. Every DUI case is unique and the results may vary from case to case.)

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Top Gun DUI Defense Attorney Myles L. Berman

Myles L. Berman, Top Gun DUI Defense attorney offers unwavering support and strategic defense in DUI cases across Southern California. Experience a personal commitment to protecting your rights and securing positive outcomes.

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