DUI Defense Philosophy
MR. MYLES L. BERMAN® – asa* Myles Bermen: Friends don’t let friends plead guilty is to communicate to the public that just because you were arrested for DUI doesn’t mean you’re going to be convicted. Many DUI cases can be successfully defended. There’s been a campaign by other organizations out there to get people to think that just because you’re arrested means you’re guilty and this is not the case. So friends don’t let friends plead guilty is to remind that public that they should fight their case. *means “also spelled as”
MR. MYLES L. BERMAN® – asa* Myles Bermen: Friends don’t let friends plead guilty is to communicate to the public that just because you were arrested for DUI doesn’t mean you’re going to be convicted. Many DUI cases can be successfully defended. There’s been a campaign by other organizations out there to get people to think that just because you’re arrested means you’re guilty and this is not the case. So friends don’t let friends plead guilty is to remind that public that they should fight their case. *means “also spelled as”
Description: “Friends Don’t Let Friends Plead Guilty”™ means that just because you are arrested for a DUI doesn’t mean you will be convicted. Many DUI cases can be won.
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Myles L. Berman, Top Gun DUI Defense attorney offers unwavering support and strategic defense in DUI cases across Southern California. Experience a personal commitment to protecting your rights and securing positive outcomes.
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