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Detecting Marijuana Impairment: Methods And Challenges

MR. MYLES L. BERMAN® – asa* Myles Burman: Field Sobriety Tests are tools that police use, generally, to gather evidence, to collect evidence, and to use against somebody who they investigate and arrest for driving under the influence. In addition to the methods mentioned above, officers may request a blood test to detect the presence of cannabis, specifically THC. However, it is difficult to correlate THC levels in the blood with actual impairment, as THC can remain in the system long after marijuana consumption. There is no specific level of THC that equates to presumed impairment, unlike the 0.08 blood alcohol concentration for alcohol.

Description: In addition to the methods mentioned above, officers may request a blood test to detect the presence of cannabis, specifically THC.

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Top Gun DUI Defense Attorney Myles L. Berman

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