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DUI Penalties

MR. MYLES L. BERMAN® – asa* Myles Burmen: Being convicted of DUI, otherwise known as drunk driving, in California, can be devastating. In addition to probation, restricting or suspending your driver’s license, alcohol program, ignition interlock device being placed on your car, and possibly, jail, a person is also looking at insurance cancellation or a substantial increase in premiums, plus a loss of job, and a loss of reputation. All of these consequences can occur, and oftentimes, do if somebody is convicted of DUI. Please feel free to visit our website at topgundui.com for a more comprehensive list of DUI and DMV penalties in the state of California. *means “also spelled as”

Description: Being convicted of a DUI in California can have devastating consequences. Penalties for being convicted of driving under the influence include attending alcohol awareness classes, getting your driver’s license revoked, hefty monetary fines, and even jail time.

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