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DUI Frequently Asked Questions


You can be arrested for a DUI for “sleeping it off” in your car.

Remember, the best way to avoid a DUI or drunk driving conviction is to not drink and drive. Purchasing a portable breath test machine can also be of benefit. Unfortunately, the way our laws are going even if you’ve had a small amount of alcohol and you are not impaired, as long as you smell like alcohol your chances of being arrested are very high. However, being arrested for DUI / DWI does not automatically result in a conviction or loss of your driver’s license in California.

The following tips are designed to help you minimize your risk of being convicted of DUI / DWI, drunk driving or driving under the influence in California, including Los Angeles, Orange County, and the Ventura area, by DUI defense lawyer, Top Gun DUI Defense Attorney Myles L. Berman.


Q: When questioned for DUI or drunk driving?

A: When questioned for DUI or drunk driving before arrest, you are not in custody for purposes of Miranda warnings. If you politely refuse to answer any of the cop’s questions concerning the DUI / DWI investigation, either before or after arrest, then there won’t be any statements that can be used against you in court.

Q: If you are older than 21?

A: If you are older than 21, refuse to take a pre-arrest preliminary alcohol screening test. This on scene breath test is completely voluntary and you have the absolute right to refuse this type of breath test.

Q: Field Sobriety Tests?

A: Field Sobriety Tests are completely voluntary. If you perform them, you may be arrested anyway. It may be better not to give the cop evidence that will be used against you in court. You can politely refuse to do the field sobriety exercises.

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Contact A Los Angeles, Orange County, And Ventura Dui Defense Attorney

The above tips, while not exhaustive, can help drivers avoid being pulled over for or convicted of DUI. Drivers in Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, and the rest of Southern California can count on Top Gun DUI Defense Attorney Myles L. Berman for experienced, aggressive legal representation. Contact our offices today.

General Information

Contact A Los Angeles, Orange County, And Ventura Dui Defense Attorney

The above tips, while not exhaustive, can help drivers avoid being pulled over for or convicted of DUI. Drivers in Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, and the rest of Southern California can count on Top Gun DUI Defense Attorney Myles L. Berman for experienced, aggressive legal representation. Contact our offices today.